Market your music with MusicHub'sPromo Guide

Do you need help promoting your music? Learn how to set your goals correctly, promote yourself and your music, and efficiently execute your activities with the Promo Guide. Register with MusicHub now and unlock a plethora of other materials, including video courses, articles, partner offers, and more.

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MusicHub team members Maïa, Conor & Allan explain promotion

MusicHub Promo Guide

As an artist, you have more tasks today than ever. Taking care of your music promotion is essential if you want long-term success. Especially for independent musicians, promotion can quickly become overwhelming. MusicHub's Promo Guide helps you take control of your marketing efforts and personalise them. Let's start with pre-promotion, laying the foundation for your future strategies.


Pre-promotion (6 to 8 weeks before release)

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Promotion (4 to 6 weeks before release)

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Post-promotion (from release date)

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Start your promotion 6 to 8 weeks before your release. Six basics are essential.

Your artist name

— Get creative

Your artist name should be unique, recognisable, and easy to find. Think carefully about which name emphasises your image in the long term and appeals to your target audience and maybe even check your chosen name on the DSPs beforehand. Watch the video with Allan to learn what factors you should consider when choosing your artist name. To access the full course, log in to MusicHub.

DIY artists sits in a studio setting and produces music

Your music

— Pay attention to quality

No successful promotion happens without good music: take the time to build your brand and refine your music before focusing on promotion. Radio editors and playlist promoters value uniqueness, creativity, and quality, from songwriting and melody to mixing and mastering. Seek support to enhance your music, such as through AI tools, tutorials, and webinars. Ask yourself: Is the song promo worthy and promo ready?

Your artwork

—  Emphasise your sound

DIY artists design cover artworks at the laptop
Promo photo of rock band and MusicHub users Vinta

Your visual image

— Present yourself at your best

Professional photos are essential when promoting your release. Ensure they align with your image, identity, and music, and always include them when contacting playlist promoters, radio editors, or bloggers. This enhances their impression of you and increases the likelihood of being featured.

Your online presence

—  Make yourself discoverable

Overview of the most important DSP’s
Allan demonstrates and talks about the release plan strategy

Your strategy

— Establish a schedule

To manage your promotional activities effectively, maintain an organized overview. Plan ahead for each task and document everything meticulously in a promotion or release plan. Learn how to create a release campaign in Allan's video.

Want more? There are many videos on artist branding, playlist pitching, sound branding and more waiting for you in the MusicHub Academy.

Learn more


4 to 6 weeks until the release. Now it's time to get down to business! Take note of the following three tips to send your music out into the world.

What do you want to achieve?

Consider your goals: whether it's increasing streams and downloads, securing playlist placements, gaining more social media followers, obtaining radio plays, securing reviews or interviews, etc. With clear goals, you can better tailor your promotion and maximise its impact.

More about music promotion

Where should your music be (dis-)played?

Identify where your fans are likely to discover your music: from print media to streaming playlists, radio shows, online blogs, and magazines. Send your materials to decision-makers well before your release day to generate maximum attention.

Insights into online promotion

How do you send your music?

When reaching out to playlist curators, radio editors, or bloggers, provide an Electronic Press Kit (EPK) along with your artist bio page containing important links to your music (e.g. social media and streaming platforms, website). This gives decision-makers a comprehensive impression of you and your music.

Tips for the EPK

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Final sprint: Ensure your music gets maximum attention and remains in people's ears! Your release is live, but the promotion isn't over yet. Extend the life cycle of your release with further activities!

Music promotion lifecycle