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Playlist Pitching: Spotify Editorial Playlists

Learn how to pitch your music to Spotify playlist curators and get more reach.

Published on
August 12, 2022
Ariane Petschow
Marketing Lead

MusicHub: Music distribution, promotion and rights management - all in one platform!

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Every 1.4 seconds, a new track is uploaded to Spotify and the curators of the Editorial Playlists receive more than 20,000 song suggestions every day. So how can you stand out? In this article, you will learn how to pitch your music best to Spotify so that your new track gets heard.

It costs nothing to be included in an official editorial playlist, so if someone offers to put you on one of these playlists for money, you can be sure it's a scam. There is no guarantee that your music will end up in an editorial playlist, but you can do a few things to increase your chances!

1. Choose a track you want to pitch

You can only pitch one track to the playlist curators (even if your release is an EP or album), so choose your track carefully and think about which track might attract the biggest audience. Note that the curators may consider your release but choose a different track than the one you pitched.

2. The right timing

Pitch your music to Spotify as early as possible. Submit your track at least seven days before the actual release date. Only previously unreleased songs will be considered by the curators. You can still make changes to your pitch up until the day of release, but if your track has already been selected, the changes may not be considered. Therefore, submit all information on time and make sure it’s complete.

3. How to pitch correctly?

Create your release in the MusicHub platform and choose a release date with enough lead time (we recommend at least two weeks). After your release has been approved by us, you can see it in your "Spotify for Artists" account. Click on "Music" -> "Upcoming" -> "Pitch a song", or select "Pitch from next release" at the top of the home page.

4. Add tags and tell the story of your track

Tags help your music be considered for playlists that match it. Include the genre, mood, style, language, instrumentation, type of recording and city you identify with (e.g. a city that is typical of your genre). Also tell the story behind your track (be creative here and "sell" your track with an exciting, engaging story). The tags also feed into the algorithm for personalised playlists. You can find out how algorithms work in the article "Streaming playlists at a glance". Spotify will also add your suggested song to your followers' “Release Radar” playlist.

If your song is selected for feature, you will receive an email from Spotify. You should also regularly check your "Spotify for Artists" profile under "Playlists" to make sure you don't miss a possible feature! Even if your track is not selected, editors may discover and feature it later.

Been featured? Congratulations! Your work is not done yet though! Share your excitement with your audience and promote your playlist feature on your social media channels. The more people listen to your music, the better your chances of getting added to other playlists, staying on a playlist and gaining new fans!

Need more promo tips? Then check out the article on "DIY music promotion".

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Photo Credit: © unsplash/OmidArmin

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